Often firms take a "one size fits all approach." They take a basic assessment of your company and its product, and then develop a marketing plan using standard techniques and data sets. Emergence understands that in the realm of new technologies, often a potential client must be made to understand how your product will integrate into their manufacturing process. This is one of the most overlooked steps in proper market analysis, particularly in the realm of emerging tech. To accomplish this, we take a holistic view of your company, to include the current and potential market niche of your product as well as your personnel and manufacturing abilities. We then find areas of current need, or more importantly areas of future need, and how new technology will impact the market.




Emergence offers a full range of sales support to our clients depending on their need. We provide everything from full time staffing where a client will completely outsource sales duties, or part time support for conferences or surge needs. Even with full time support, our personnel are paid on a commission basis, meaning we only get paid if you do. Besides staffing, Emergence can provide a variety of other sales support to include training for company sales staff, as well as assistance with generating leads and contacts.




Emergence can assist with acquiring capital to either seed new startups or assist business with extended investment for expansion and growth. With our extensive network of contacts with VC firms in the New England area, Emergence will connect you with the proper source to fund your needs. In addition to private equity, we also have deep experience in applying for and acquiring government monies either through Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) awards or larger Department of Defense funding. Either through private capital or government funding, Emergence will assist you with securing the partnerships necessary to accelerate innovation.





Emergence through years of experience in various industrial sectors has acquired a large rolodex of technical experts in areas such as aerospace, advanced materials, quantum computing, antenna/microwave systems, and military equipment. Whatever your company's need may be, Emergence can bring to bear highly talented and experienced technical experts to assist.




As part of our many services, we can provide purchasing advice at all levels within your manufacturing process. Whether you are an OEM or distributor of needed components, Emergence will do the work of finding you the best parts and materials at costs that will drive down your bottom line and reduce overall expenses. We will assist with negotiating the best price for whatever material or component you may require while still maintaining the quality of your end product.




Companies involved in overseas sales face the daunting task of navigating the complex bureaucracy of Department of Commerce Licensing Requirements and Department of State International Trafficking Arms (ITAR) Regulations. Emergence has extensive experience in all the aforementioned areas and can save companies extensive money and time when dealing with such issues. While other firms will simply give up once bureaucratic roadblocks are encountered, our attitude is how we get to yes and increase your sales and distribution network overseas.

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